“Annie is Maturing,” said Nobody!

With irony I must report that page 66 in our book Read This…® When I’m Dead, suggests we will “mature”  sometime in our sixties…ha! On this page you could write about stuff like projects you are tackling, the joys of grand parenting, and the anticipation of retirement. Turns out, I am an abject failure at maturing. While writing the book in our fifties, we must have thought maturity might overcome us at some point after our sixtieth birthdays.  Not I… apparently, I’m still waiting for the maturity bug to bite me!

To my point, this last week I have been flabbergasted as a YouTube video I spontaneously shot 18 months ago while waiting to see my fabulous dermatologist, “went viral.” It has been racking up views at the tune of 10,000 per hour, now over 700,000 views! Who knew? I had completely forgotten about the darn thing as it is housed on our Read This Guru channel with all the other videos we have posted over the years.  Turns out this little video of me explaining why I hate sitting around in the doctor’s exam room in my underwear has hit some All Mighty Algorithm and gotten an inexplicable amount of traction. So much so that perhaps we can even monetize it!

If you need a chuckle and have 53 seconds, watch this link.  If you want me to buy you a cup of coffee sometime in the future, subscribe to our channel!!


Hell, at 61, is there any reason not to ride this little wave of immaturity? Will there ever be a time that I actually mature? Now that I am in my sixties, I am hoping not!  So that’s what I wrote in my book…

Grab a book and tell your stories.  The joy is in the journey.

Be safe. Stay well, and a bit immature!

Virtual hugs and kisses,



Giant Ice and My Own Roof


Starvin’ Marvin: 1904-1990