Who’s on Your Heirplane?

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Yes, guilty! I made up this word. My sister and I do it all the time.  We are silly.  Even in tough times like these, we find ways to have fun!

Now, as we are implementing virus avoidance techniques and practicing social distancing, the topic seems easier to consider…so, who ARE your heirs?  Have you taken the time to write down your story, identify who gets your most precious stuff, and plan out your final wishes? With the abundance of family togetherness, now is a great time to get started!

Your story, your stuff, and your funeral wishes, make up the easy and fun to fill out sections of our first Guided Journal entitled “Read This…® When I’m Dead.” It is a tribute to our moms; mine who died way too young and Christy’s, who has lived nearly 40 years with a debilitating illness. Over and over we hear from people who wish to organzie their thoughts, gather their things, and share their funeral plans.

Of course, an actual Airplane transports people from one place to another, and your Heirplane will do the same!  It will convey your stories, deliver your favorite possessions, and unload the details of your worldly good-bye as you move to your chosen resting place. Just like that!

A 2016 poll taken by Gallup (1) suggests that at least 56% of Americans do not have a will.  This means their stories, their stuff (including their money), and their final plans will be left to the court system, and Uncle Sam, to sort out. Egads!  What better gift can you leave your loved ones than a seat on your Heirplane?

Consider your Heirplane the mechanism to peacefully transfer this precious cargo to your people…your heirs. You will need a Will, a Living Trust, a Power of Attorney, and perhaps a few other legal documents to avoid leaving without a trace! Certainly, do some online research or visit with an attorney to discuss.  And, be sure to tell your heirs that they have a reserved seat on your Heirplane.  Nothing could be sweeter than to hear those words from you!

- Annie Presley

(1) https://news.gallup.com/poll/191651/majority-not.aspx


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